Historical accuracy in recounting the "fundamentally flawed" SRM joints of the Space Shuttle Challenger Home | About Us | Mar 14th 2025 12:30am

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This website is devoted to engineering and historical accuracy in recounting the "fundamentally flawed" SRM joints and the invention of the Capture Feature.

It is our belief that the incorporation of the Capture Feature would have prevented the incalculable loss of the Challenger Astronauts. The destruction of the Space Craft was a great loss but was replaced. The Challenger Crew were irreplaceable.

Frederick J Policelli
Fred Policelli received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Lafayette College, Easton, PA. Fred worked for Hercules from 1958 to 1992. From 1982 to 1984 Fred was the Technical Manager for the NASA Space Shuttle Filament Wound Solid Rocket Motor (FWC SRM) program. While FWC SRM Technical Manager, Fred invented the Capture Feature. Since 1992 Fred has been a consultant and has worked on a wide range of projects for both government agencies and private companies. [Read More]

Alfred L Newberry | Email
Al Newberry, PE received his BS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Missouri at Rolla and his MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma. Al is a licensed professional engineering in 32 states and has been a consultant to the composites industry since 1995. Al has extensive experiece in using linear and non-linear Finite Element Analysis for design of composite structures. Al has a wide range of clients in the USA and 17 other countries. [Read More]

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